
Financial Transparency: Everybody Wins When Everybody’s In

Financial Transparency: Everybody Wins When Everybody’s In

Financial transparency is about opening the books to everybody in an organization, letting them see how financial functions operate. It’s not uncommon, especially in small business, for employees and owners or leaders to be divided by perception. Employees will think...

Oct 22, 2020
Planning for Profitability: Building a Culture of Competence

Profit Improvement Plan

Profitability is hard work. It’s not something that’s inevitable if you run your business efficiently, and it’s not something that happens by accident if you make smart decisions. Profitability has to be planned for, accounting for several components and interacting...

Oct 15, 2020
Private Equity: Adding & Creating More Value, Faster

Private Equity: Adding & Creating More Value, Faster

Private equity is a fairly complex industry, but described very simply: They find a company, they buy the company, they add and create value to this company, and then they sell it. One of the biggest hurdles many middle market...

Oct 7, 2020
The Dance: Financial Management for Not For Profits and Social Enterprises

The Dance: Financial Management for Not For Profits and Social Enterprises

Not For Profit (NFP) organizations and social enterprise businesses face unique challenges. Among them: Emotional motivations can be strong among NFP leaders; organizations can rely heavily on volunteers or spread responsibilities out among just a few staff; and managing donors,...

Sep 30, 2020
Managing the Machine of Manufacturing: Financial Functions To Streamline Success

Managing the Machine of Manufacturing: Financial Functions To Streamline Success

Manufacturing companies create everything from pens to paperclips, automobiles to airplanes. There are small businesses and global enterprises. One concern they all have in common is effective inventory control. Making the right product at the right time is the heart...

Sep 23, 2020
Startup Straight Talk: How A CFO Will Help You Succeed And Grow More Quickly

When Should a Startup Hire A CFO

The story for many startups is a plot heavy on vision and light on execution. There’s passion, enthusiasm, and excitement that drives initial activity. The founder’s network and tenacity can even create business inertia and revenue. But when resources are...

Sep 16, 2020
Ready For Anything: Improving Cash Flow With Better Understanding, Measurements, and Forecasts

Ready For Anything: Improving Cash Flow With Better Understanding, Measurements, and Forecasts

Cash runs businesses. Not profits. Yet most of us have ample reporting at our fingertips describing profitability. And when profitability is increasing - often leading to new expenses and investments like hires, materials or resource costs - we can find ourselves...

Sep 9, 2020
Insight Over Information: Redefining Business Reporting

Insight Over Information: Redefining Essentials of Good Business Reporting

Running, managing, and growing a business takes information and insight. Most companies are overwhelmed with information and sometimes entirely lacking insight. The value of reporting isn’t in the reports themselves - it’s in the analysis of what the reporting is,...

Sep 3, 2020
How Your Revenue Model Should Keep You On Course To Reach Business Goals

How To Create a Revenue Model

Imagine you’re a sailor long ago, and your job is to get across the ocean to a tiny island in the mid-Pacific. You’d chart your destination, make the necessary measurements and establish navigation points, and you’d set sail in, at...

Aug 27, 2020
Act Like You’ll Sell Your Business Tomorrow: Keys to Maximizing Valuation

How To Increase Company Valuation

If you’ve ever bought or sold your home, you know the stress of preparing. If you’re selling, there are walls to paint and blemishes to repair. People to hire to fix the broken hinges or replace the loose floorboards. If...

Aug 20, 2020
Bigger, Better, Faster, Cheaper: New Thinking on Familiar Ideas to the CFO

Bigger, Better, Faster, Cheaper: New Thinking on Familiar Ideas to the CFO

Bigger, Better, Faster, Cheaper. As the role of the CFO has evolved, the impact the CFO has on an organization has evolved too. But the results the CFO should be delivering are as familiar as ever - helping the organization...

Aug 3, 2020

Understanding the Modern CFO: Rethinking The Role

We often have misconceptions about the job of a Chief Financial Officer. To some, a CFO just monitors the income and expenditure of a company, business, or organization. Others believe they are the go-to pro when it comes to business...

Jul 27, 2020

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