
Act Like You’ll Sell Your Business Tomorrow: Keys to Maximizing Valuation

How To Increase Company Valuation

If you’ve ever bought or sold your home, you know the stress of preparing. If you’re selling, there are walls to paint and blemishes to repair. People to hire to fix the broken hinges or replace the loose floorboards. If...

Aug 20, 2020
Bigger, Better, Faster, Cheaper: New Thinking on Familiar Ideas to the CFO

Bigger, Better, Faster, Cheaper: New Thinking on Familiar Ideas to the CFO

Bigger, Better, Faster, Cheaper. As the role of the CFO has evolved, the impact the CFO has on an organization has evolved too. But the results the CFO should be delivering are as familiar as ever - helping the organization...

Aug 3, 2020

Understanding the Modern CFO: Rethinking The Role

We often have misconceptions about the job of a Chief Financial Officer. To some, a CFO just monitors the income and expenditure of a company, business, or organization. Others believe they are the go-to pro when it comes to business...

Jul 27, 2020

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