Client Story

The Right Questions.
The Right Answers.
The Right Partner.

“You might think you can’t afford a CFO, but you can’t afford not to have one. It’s an investment that pays for itself.

Tom Stevenson

Geneva Holdings Group is a multi-company enterprise specializing in logistics, equipment, property and more. Led by CEO Tom Stevenson and Director of Operations Angela Hewitt, Geneva faced significant challenges managing their complex operations without a full-time CFO. “We didn’t even know that a part-time CFO was an option,” Tom recalls. They needed financial clarity and operational oversight, and when they partnered with Stephanie Parker from ProCFO Partners, things quickly changed.

Why Geneva Holdings Engaged a Fractional CFO

The need for a CFO became undeniable when Tom discovered that their previous financial oversight led to misentries, inaccurate numbers, and financial blind spots. “We weren’t getting a true reading of where the company was,” Tom explains. They turned to ProCFO Partners for help, and Stephanie’s immediate impact was clear.

“I thought ProCFO Partners would just look at the numbers, but they became a true partner.”

Stephanie stepped in and went beyond what was expected of a typical CFO. “I thought you would just look at the numbers, but you became a partner,” Tom says. Stephanie provided operational insights, marketing guidance, and financial strategies that far exceeded their expectations. “We have multiple companies under the Geneva Holdings umbrella, and Stephanie’s reporting tools allowed us to consolidate everything into a view we could easily understand. That’s something we didn’t have before.”

Solving Complex Challenges with Operational Precision

One of the immediate challenges Stephanie addressed was organizing the financials across Geneva’s multiple companies. With her help, they implemented more streamlined reporting processes that gave the leadership team accurate, actionable data every month. This transformation went beyond improving financial accuracy; it fundamentally changed how Geneva Holdings managed its operations.​

Angela, who manages the day-to-day operations, shares how much of a burden Stephanie has lifted off her. “She’s taken a huge load off my back. I’ve learned so much, and it’s made managing operations smoother.” Stephanie helped Angela and Tom make better, more strategic decisions by analyzing the data instead of relying on instinct. “Stephanie’s frankness and willingness to get involved in all aspects of the business have been refreshing,” Tom adds.

Strategic Support Across All Areas

Stephanie’s involvement went beyond financial reporting. With her extensive network, ProCFO Partners introduced Geneva to marketing, succession planning, and estate management experts. This collaborative approach has opened up new opportunities for Geneva Holdings, providing access to a broad range of expertise that goes beyond the typical CFO role.

Tom admits that his natural tendency was to make decisions quickly, often relying on instinct. “I have a tendency to fly by the seat of my pants,” he jokes. With Stephanie’s approach, the team now takes a more measured and strategic path. “Stephanie has anchored us down and helped us analyze every decision more carefully.”

Metrics That Matter: The Power of Data at Geneva Holdings

Geneva Holdings saw a dramatic improvement in their decision-making and financial visibility, thanks to the metrics and insights Stephanie introduced to help create that transformation:

  • Return on Assets (ROA): Stephanie’s focus on maximizing returns from existing assets significantly improved the company’s financial health.
  • Monthly Financial Reporting: A new reporting structure gave Geneva a clear snapshot of the company’s financial health across all divisions, streamlining the process and eliminating past inconsistencies.
  • Succession Planning Metrics: With Stephanie’s guidance, they began focusing on succession planning, ensuring long-term sustainability and readiness for future transitions.
  • Deal Desk Modeling: Stephanie helped Geneva transition from instinctual decision-making to data-backed investments, ensuring every acquisition was backed by detailed financial analysis.

“We have multiple companies under the Geneva Holdings umbrella, and Stephanie’s reporting tools allowed us to consolidate everything into a view we could easily understand. That’s something we didn’t have before.”

Stephanie Parker, CFO with ProCFO Partners
Stephanie Parker

Geneva was introduced to Stephanie Parker through their attorney, initially seeking someone to help manage their financials. And their search wasn’t straightforward. They had initially spoken with other financial companies but were turned off by structures that felt more transactional than collaborative. “One company wanted to make money on every aspect—financing, fees—and it didn’t feel like a real partnership,” Tom recalls.

“We didn’t know a part-time CFO could offer so much. She’s taken a huge load off our backs.”

Finding Pro CFOPartners and meeting Stephanie was a relief. “We didn’t know a part-time CFO could offer so much,” Tom adds. Stephanie’s hands-on, partnership approach brought strategic insights that truly reshaped Geneva Holdings as they learned her capabilities went far beyond basic number-crunching. Stephanie’s proactive involvement expanded into operations and helped reshape their decision-making process. “She’s taken a huge load off my back,” Angela shares, highlighting her operational support. Stephanie added strategic depth by integrating herself into the business, helping Geneva grow more effectively and sustainably.

The Personal Impact of ProCFO Partners

For both Tom and Angela, working with Stephanie has not only transformed the business but also reduced their personal stress. “Having Stephanie on board has freed up my mental energy,” Angela says. “There’s just so much I don’t have to worry about anymore.” Tom echoes this sentiment, emphasizing how Stephanie’s expertise has allowed him to focus on growing the business. “It’s given me the opportunity to make better decisions, knowing that Stephanie has the financials under control.”

Stephanie’s proactive approach and deep investment in Geneva Holdings’ success made a lasting impact. “When I work with someone, I’m rooting for them. If they’re successful, I’m successful,” Stephanie shares. This partnership mindset has driven significant growth for Geneva Holdings over the past few years.

Looking Ahead: A Path to Sustainable Growth

With Stephanie’s guidance, Geneva Holdings is now poised for continued growth. The company is ramping up new revenue streams and planning for long-term success with a strategic outlook. “We’ve had exponential growth over the last three years,” Tom says. “And with Stephanie’s help, we’re prepared to take it to the next level.”

As Tom reflects on the journey with ProCFO Partners, he offers one key takeaway for other business owners: “You might think you can’t afford a CFO, but you can’t afford not to have one. It’s an investment that pays for itself.”

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